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(Each category of posters features a variety of related topics)

Tabletop TUTORS Info-graphics Include:  


1) Eco-Intelligent Lifestyle (Series) - Modern lifestyles can be hard on the environment and on your health.  Have you ever considered your ecological footprint?  How many resources you consume on a daily basis, and how much waste are you producing?  Do our modern lifestyles really improve our well-being, or does the rat race for the American Dream set us up for pollution, hyper-consumerism, rampant unnecessary debt, and workaholism?  Are we divorced from nature and the ability to appreciate simple abundance?  Does your lifestyle foster community and connection, or does it isolate you in a sea of social media, personal devices, and being "plugged-in" 24/7?  Are you inundated with news media scare tactics, or overwhelmed with negative news?  An eco-intelligent lifestyle can help you address the harm caused by modern lifestyles, and change your legacy for the better.  These posters will educate you and your family about the pitfalls of modern lifestyles, and provide you with tools to embark on an eco-intelligent lifestyle of your own!


 Includes the Following Graphics: 


  • How Big Is Your Ecological Footprint?

  • Do You Suffer from "Affluenza?"

  • It's Time to Create the New American Dream!

  • Anxious or Depressed? Treat Your Brain to Nature!

  • Are You "Cooking" Your Brain with Your Cell Phone?

  • Are You Crowding Out the World with Your Cell Phone?

  • Is Network News Getting You Down?

  • Exploring the Antidote to Toxic TV News

  • Earthing for Screen Addicted Kids

  • 6 Principles of Eco-Intelligent Living 

  • Listening to Oikos  


2) Eco Intelligent Eating Model/ Farm To Table (Series) - In our modern dietary culture, standardized eating models such as the USDA Eating Model are used by schools and organizations to teach us about our requirements for good nutrition. But what if the kinds and the quantities of foods they advise us to eat are actually contributing to our ill health (and the planet's ill health) because of the toxic drugs, chemicals, hormones, and GE organisms that are used in their production? This poster series introduces you to the "Eco-Intelligent Eating Model" - a model that supports organic farming, eco-friendly cooking, seasonal eating and recycling. You'll also examine what an "Eco-Negligent Farming/ Eating Philosophy" is, and how it differs from an "Eco-Intelligent Farming/ Eating Philosophy."  Do you eat to nourish the ecological well-being of your body and the Earth? Or, do you eat to starve it? The answer will be obvious to you, when you study the messages on these posters!  


Includes the Following Graphics: 


  • Eco-Intelligent Eating Model with Eco Tips

  • Eco-Intelligent Eating Model Philosophy

  • From Farm to Table: Organic Food Choices & Eco-Integration

  • Eco-Negligent Eating Philosophy

  • From Farm to Table: Industrial Food Choices & Eco-Disintegration


3) Eco-Farming Principles /Earth Care (Series) - Do you know what "organic" really means from a farming standpoint, or which farming practices are truly sustainable?  Or maybe you've wondered what's at the root of GMO's and seed diversity? Have you heard about the plight of the bumblebees and gone looking for things you can do to help? Ecologically-minded farming principles are at the heart of all these issues.  The way our food is raised, from vegetables to honey, to everything else we eat has a huge role in the health and longevity of our environment, as well as ourselves! In this poster series, you'll learn the difference between conventionally grown crops and organic crops, including the dangers associated with genetically engineered/ GMO crops and the sustainability and benefits of organic farming.  You'll also discover permaculture, a truly big-picture approach to sustainable farming and living. You'll also find information on seed saving and the importance of biodiversity, as well as information on pollinators and their crucial role in our food system.


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Say No to GMO Foods & Farming Practices

  • Farm & Eat Organic, Join the Organic Movement

  • Seeds: Why We Must Protect Their Diversity

  • The Wisdom of Compost

  • Permaculture Fosters The Circle of Life!

  • A World Without Honey Bees Is Unthinkable!

  • Will You Help Save the Honeybees?

  • Are You Eating the World's Most Toxic Weed Killer? 

  • Is Glyphosate Eroding Your Family's Health?


4) Where Does the Food You Eat Come From? (Series) - Have you ever wondered where all the foods in your pantry and refrigerator come from? Have you ever thought about what a day in the life of a cow or a chicken looks like that produces the milk, butter, eggs, and meat you might consume? Have you ever thought about how tiny seeds turn into leafy green salad fixings or stir-fry materials, and how it all ends up ready for the taking at your local farmers market or grocery store? Are you aware of the difference between factory-farmed foods and organically raised foods? Have you heard the disturbing news about how industrially raised foods are polluting and depleting our planet's natural resources and even contributing to major environmental problems such as global warming? This poster series gives you insight into the difference between organic and industrially produced meats, dairy products, and fruits and vegetables, and will help you to be an informed consumer when you go grocery shopping!


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Where Does The Meat You Eat Come From?

  • Where Do The Dairy Products You Eat Come From?

  • Where Do the Fruits and Vegetables You Eat Come From?

  • Is The Fish on Your Plate Sustainably Raised?  


5) Custom Dietary Choices (Series) - Are you curious about vegetarian eating, or about following the paleo diet?  While those two ways of eating might seem like polar opposites, they actually have a lot in common, with a focus on high quality, organic, cruelty-free whole foods that are raised without harmful practices and substances.  Both diets have a strong focus on balancing the food you eat to better meet your body's nutritional needs, and by virtue of the high-quality, whole, organic foods vegetarians and paleo folks eat, both naturally result in a more ethical, humane, ecologically friendly lifestyle. Speaking of balance, do you know the difference between yin foods and yang foods, and how they affect your energy, mood, and health? Understanding yin foods (cooling) and yang foods (warming) can help your body maintain peak health by balancing energies. Conditions characterized by excess yin energy can be addressed by eating foods that fall into the yang side of the equation, and vice versa! 


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • I'm A Health Loving, Eco-Conscious Vegetarian

  • Ten Ecological Reasons for Eating One Vegetarian Meal a Week

  • The Paleo Diet Is Ancestor Approved!

  • What's on a Paleo Plate?

  • Chinese 5 Element Nutrition

  • The Yin & Yang of Healthful Eating

  • Should You Try The GAPS Diet?   


6) Eco-Friendly Cookware & Culinary Inspiration (Series) - Did you know that the cookware you use on a daily basis can actually affect your health as well as the health of animals and ecosystems? That's right! In fact, the tools that you use to prepare your everyday meals is most likely contributing to the size and scope of the ecological footprint that we're leaving on the earth today, when you consider the amount of energy that's used to produce industrially mined cookware substances. In this poster series, you'll learn about sustainable and biodegradable materials that are being used by many manufacturers today, to make healthy eco-friendly cookware. You'll also gain awareness about why you should not cook with (toxic) Teflon pans and why you should avoid microwave ovens, if you want to avoid damaging your health on a cellular level! Getting inspired to cook, you'll discover, is about making cooking "an effort of the soul" versus "a menial chore." It's about viewing cooking utensils as "tools" of personal (and planetary) transformation, eating in harmony with the four seasons, harnessing the healing power of foods, and "eating the rainbow" to create therapeutic meals! 


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Are You an Eco-Conscious Cook?

  • Choosing Eco-Conscious Cookware

  • Is Your Microwave Oven "Zapping" Your Health?

  • Turning the Act of Cooking Into an Effort of the Soul

  • Eating with the Seasons, a Way to Stay Balanced

  • Creating a Therapeutic Meal with Color Rays that Heal! 

  • Why & How to Create a Sacred Kitchen  

  • Inspire & Empower Yourself in the Kitchen (Adopt a Culinary Archetype) 


7) Essential Health Awareness (Series) - Do you want to take action to improve your health, but wonder where to even begin?  Do you wonder if you're focused on the right things, or, if the things you're doing really make a difference?  Or are you just looking for some solid information on specific ways you can improve your overall health?  With so many things out there that can affect your health (for better or worse!), zeroing in on truly important factors can be difficult - -especially when there's so much information (and disinformation) out there.  This poster series addresses everything from drinking clean water (and avoiding water deficiencies), to eating the "right kind" of salt (and avoiding salt deficiencies), and cultivating "good" gut microflora, which helps to strengthen your immune system and balance your weight! You'll also get the scoop on why to avoid toxic food dyes and incorporate healthy, natural, un-dyed foods in your diet. 


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Hydrate for Health, Harmonize with the Environment

  • Why to Eat (The Right Kind of) Salt

  • Are the Colors in Your Meal Real or Fake?

  • Do the Bugs in Your Gut Make You Skinny or Fat?

  • Do Probiotics Have what It Takes to Cultivate a Healthy Gut & Microbiome?


8) Food & Mood (Series) - You've heard of comfort food, and while eating a pint of ice cream may make some things feel better, there's a little more to it than that!  Did you know you can actually boost your mood by eating the right foods?  The chemicals in foods affect our brains in very specific ways, and with the right foods, you can eat your way to being calmer, more focused, energized, and happy.  If you suffer from sudden mood changes, anxiety, sadness, or fogginess, you can also look to your diet for clues on the culprits. Are you drinking too much soda pop, or eating artificial additives and chemicals (like MSG) that contain neurotoxins? (Neurotoxins have the power to excite your brain cells to death!) In this poster series, you'll learn how to eat your way to a better mood. You'll also find great information on the potential health and mood enhancing benefits of fair-trade organic coffee and chocolate (both for your health and the planet's!), as well as a few easy, tasty recipes to get your creative juices flowing!


Food & Mood (Series) Includes:


  • Eat Your Way To a Better Mood!

  • The Hard Truth about Soft Drinks!

  • Unearthing the Merits of Fair Trade Coffee

  • Romance Your Taste Buds with Organic Chocolate

  • Are You Eating Excitotoxins? 

  • Feed & Nourish Your Body’s Cells with Green Super Foods 


9) Sweeteners: Whole & Un-Whole (Series) - Have you ever noticed how many sweeteners are available to us these days?  From honey and molasses, to palm sugar, Stevia, good ol' granulated white sugar and high fructose corn syrup, the options are nearly endless!  Not all sweeteners are created equal, though!  Do you know which sweeteners are safe, sustainable, and healthy, and which sweeteners damage your body, as well as the planet?  Do you know that a diet high in processed sugar can cause health conditions like obesity and dementia?  Are you aware that cheap sweeteners (such as high fructose corn syrup) contain genetically modified ingredients, introducing even more health risks to you and the environment?!  Cut through the sweet deception of mass food producers who take advantage of cheap, unhealthy, and even artificial sweeteners at the expense of your family's health!  Learn how to use a variety of delicious whole food sweeteners (derived from nature's trees, flowers, and grains) in your favorite recipes!


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Savoring Nature's Liquid Whole Food Sweeteners

  • Unearthing Nature's Healthiest Sugar Substitutes

  • Is Sugar Toxic to Your Body Ecology?

  • Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Hijacking Your Health?

  • Fake Sweeteners: The Enemy of Good Health!


10 Fats: Healthy & Unhealthy (Series) - Fats have been vilified for many years, but modern research has shown that the right fats can be absolutely fantastic for your health. The trouble is, there's a lot of different information floating around on which fats are good and which are bad!  Do you know that toxic compounds (like hexane) are used to extract some vegetable oils, and that most vegetable oils are extracted from genetically modified plants?  Do you know which fats have been shown to aid vitamin absorption and benefit your gut flora and even your bones?  Sure you've heard that grass fed butter is back, and coconut oil is the bees' knees, but do you know why?!  And how to get those into your diet, pronto?! This poster series invites you to explore the many benefits of healthy fats, from prevention and treatment of brain disease (like Alzheimer's) to guarding against heart disease, obesity, and other ailments. You'll also get tips on how to find healthy fats at the grocery store and in the foods you eat, and learn why to avoid hydrogenated trans-fats like margarine.


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Hunting Down Healthy Fats

  • Processed Vegetable Oils: The Unappetizing Truth!

  • Coconut Oil: A Nutritional Prescription for the Aging Brain

  • Butter for Your Brain, Your Bones, and Your Gut

  • Savoring the Health Benefits of Ghee (Clarified Butter) 


11) Autism + OCD+ ADHD LIfestyle Support - Did you know that certain health conditions respond to the foods you eat?  We've all heard that eating well can improve your health, preventing things like heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer's. But the way you eat can have a profound effect on modern day health conditions such as Autism, Candida Yeast Syndrome, and "Leaky Gut." There may not be as obvious a link as, say, sugar and diabetes, but the connections between various foods and health do exist!  There are foods that can exacerbate the unwanted symptoms of conditions like Candida, and, of course, ways of eating that starve those conditions, too. In this poster series, you'll find lots of information on these connections. You'll also learn what gut permeability is, and get an idea of how inflammatory foods, stress, medications, environmental toxins and gut flora worsen this condition. You hold the dietary key to keeping unwanted health conditions in check!


Includes the Following Graphics:


11-1 Parenting Autism 


      ​* What is Autism? (Piecing Together the Puzzle)

  • I'm the Parent of a Special Needs Child

  • It Takes a Village to Raise a Child with Autism

  • Do People with Autism Spectrum Communicate Like Dolphins?

  • I Am a Face on the Autism Spectrum


11-2 Autism Triggers 


  • Are Your Child’s Brain Chemicals Misbehaving?

  • Does Your Child Have a Methylation Issue?

  • Does Your Child Suffer from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

  • Why Do Conventional Medical Docs Push Vaccines?

  • In the Wake of Destruction: Vaccine Injuries

  • Is There an Alternative to Vaccines, Doctor?

  • Are Heavy Metals Igniting a Fire Inside of Your (Child’s) Brain?

  • Has Your Child Been Affected by Mold Toxicity?

  • Do You Have the Symptoms of OCD?

  • What in the World Causes OCD? 

  • 12 Radical Self-Care Tips for Managing the Symptoms of OC


  • 11-3 Correcting Inflammatory Diets & Eating Issues


  • Why Do Kids on the Spectrum Have Eating Issues?

  • Creating Color Therapy Meals

  • Eating to Defeat Autism Spectrum

  • Is Your Child Eating Foods That Excite Brain Cells to Death?

  • Are You (Your Child) Eating ‘Anti-Nutrients’ that Stress Your Gut and Brain? 

  • Salicylates: Your Dietary Friend or Foe?

  • Glutamates: Are You (Your Child) Eating Your Way into a Neurological Health Issue?

  • Are the Lectins in Your Diet Hurting or Helping Your Health? 

  • Are Opiates in Your Diet Stimulating Unhealthy Food Addictions?

  • Can an Oxalate Reduction Diet Help Kids on the Autism Spectrum?

  • Foods to Avoid when You’re Trying to Heal Chronic Illnesses 

  • Should You Try the GAPS Diet?


11-4 Candida & Leaky Gut


  • Is Glyphosate Eroding Your Child’s Health? 

  • Do You/Your Child Suffer from Gut Dysbiosis?

  • How Does Your Gut Bacteria Affect Your/Child’s Health?

  • What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

  • How Do You Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome?

  • What is Candida Yeast Syndrome?

  • Eating to Defeat Yeast Syndrome

  • Do Probiotics Have What It Takes to Cultivate a Healthy Gut Microbiome? 

  • Is it Time to Adopt a Gluten Free Casein Free Diet?

  • Do the Bugs in Your Gut Make You Skinny or Fat?  


11-5 Cannabis & Super Food for Brain Health


  • Can Cannabis Help Kids with Autism?

  • Managing Autism with Medical Cannabis

  • Nourish Your Child’s Brain with Green Super Foods 


11-6 Additional Lifestyle Support 


   *  Anxious or Depressed? Treat Your Brain to Nature!

  • Are You ‘Cooking’ Your Brain with Your Cell Phone?

  • Are You Crowding Out the World with Your Cell Phone?

  • Is Network News Getting You Down?

  • Exploring the Antidote to Toxic TV News

  • Earthing for Screen-Addicted Kids and Teens



​12) Wheat & Gluten-Free Eating & Recipes (Series) - Maybe you've heard that wheat can wreak havoc in your digestive tract, or maybe you've felt just a little off (after eating gluten) and are ready to try a gluten-free diet to get back your old self?  Many people suffer needlessly)from gluten issues, from mild sensitivity to full-blown intolerance and everything in between.  Symptoms can include everything from brain fog to joint stiffness, to obesity, and many other problems. Avoiding gluten and wheat (the main source of gluten) may sound like a tall order, but there are many options for healthy, tasty, and easy gluten free meals and snacks. In this poster series, you'll find information to help you understand the signs and symptoms of gluten sensitivities, and identify the foods that might be causing your woe. You'll also find lots of creative recipes and meal ideas to help you figure out what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, on a wheat and gluten free diet, and avoid ingredients that trigger allergenic responses for your family.


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Is Gluten in Your Diet Making You Sick? 

  • What Is Gluten Gut and What Can You Do About It?

  • What to Eat for Breakfast, When Your Gut Says ‘No Wheat’!

  • Savory Wheat-Free, Gluten Free, Snacks at Your Fingertips!

  • Sweet Wheat Free, Gluten Free, Snacks at Your Fingertips!

  • A Sandwich without Wheat and Gluten is a Lunch Worthy Treat!

  • Time to Adopt a Gluten-Free Diet

  • 3 Wheat-Free Aztec Corn Breads 

  • 5 Delightful Coconut Flour Muffins

  • Banana Date Quinoa Cookies

  • Banana Chocolate Chip Almond Flour Muffins 

  • 6 Delightful Wheat-Free Muffins, Made Simple!

  • Raspberry Almond Brownie Cake


13) Dairy-Less Soy-Less Eating & Recipes (Series) - Are you, or a loved one, lactose intolerant? Or, are you looking for healthy, humane alternatives to conventional dairy products?  Maybe you've tried soy dairy replacements (or other soy products like tofu and TVP), but aren't sure about their safety and health values? Milk is nature's first food, but many people naturally lose the ability to digest milk as they grow older, leading to lactose sensitivity and intolerance.  Others object to the deplorable factory farm conditions conventional dairy cows endure and refuse to buy conventional dairy products on those grounds.  In addition, medical research has shown that factory farmed conventional dairy products are linked to a host of health concerns, including everything from salmonella poisoning (due to contamination) to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and more. In this poster series, you'll discover the wide world of dairy-free options available to you and your family. You'll find great information on why you should rethink soy products in your family's diet. You'll also explore the ins and outs of raw milk, and learn how to prepare non-dairy, non-soy recipes like gourmet nut milks, seed yogurt, and savory herb spiced nut and seed cheeses!  


 Includes the Following Graphics:

  • Should You Rethink Soy?

  • Is it Time to Adopt a Casein-Free Diet?  

  • Why Can’t I Eat Dairy Products?

  • The Story of Raw Milk

  • The Eco-Friendly Benefits of Raw Milk

  • Say “Cheese!” How to Make Tasty, Nutritious, Nut and Seed Cheeses

  • How to Make Delicious Dairy-Free Nut and Seed Yogurt 

  • How to Make a Delicious Nut Milk in 5 Easy Steps 



14) Whole Foods Recipes (Series) - You've heard about whole foods, but maybe you wonder how anyone has time to cook them and give up the convenience of processed meals?  The truth is, whole foods are easy to cook, delicious to eat, and there's an endless variety of options at your fingertips!  On top of that, they're stupendously healthy and can help you stave off disease. A diet of whole foods gives you complete control over what goes onto your family's plates, and that means you can cut out toxic additives, genetically modified ingredients, trans-fats, excess sugar, and unsustainable food production practices -- all in one fell swoop.  In this posters series, you'll find lots of easy, fun resources for upping your whole foods game!  Everything from gourmet nut milks, wheat free pizzas, and whole food supper ideas, to a variety of homemade veggie burgers, and even healthy snacks like popcorn and homemade sodas.  You'll also learn about the medicinal benefits of herbs and spices, and discover how these whole foods stack up against their processed counterparts, and how investing a little extra effort in your home kitchen pays big dividends for your health and the health of the planet.


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • (No-Dairy Nut Milks & Smoothies)  

  • How to Make a Delicious Nut Milk in 5 Simple Steps! 

  • GI-Joy Gut Healing Cocoa Drink

  • (Breakfast Cereals)

  • 5 Hearty & Delicious Buckwheat Breakfast Bowls

  • Yummy Teff Cereal Bowl

  • Instant Quinoa Breakfast Bowl  

  • Fruit Spiced Amaranth Bowl  

  • No-Bake Energy Bars and Nut-Fruit Confections)

  • Delicious No-Bake Treats from Candia’s Kitchen

  • Candia & Tom’s Awesome Energy Bars

  • ​“Go Nuts!” How to Make Creamy, Delicious Nut Butters from Scratch

  •  (Savory & Sweet Snacks)

  • 4 Nut Butter Nibbles

  • 18 WF Savory Snacks 

  • 22 WF Savory Snacks

  • Making Popcorn the Eco-Friendly Way!

  • Making Natural Sodas…The Healthy, Homemade Way

  • (Grain Bowls & Salads) 

  • 5 Hearty & Delicious Buckwheat Lunch Bowls

  • Asian Vegetable Quinoa Bowl 

  • Quinoa Pesto Veggie Chicken Bowl

  • Southwestern Quinoa Bowl

  • Delicious Buttery Millet Morsels 

  • Simple Yummy Buckwheat Groats

  • Savory Wild Rice

  • Amaranth (with recipe ideas)

  • Quinoa (with recipe ideas)

  • Teff  (with recipe ideas)

  • Sprout Your Way to Good Health 

  • Use Your Meal to Heal, with Culinary Herbs

  • Use Your Meal to Heal, with Culinary Spices

  •  (Wheat-Free Pizzas & Pastas)  

  •  Mexican Fiesta Pizza

  • Rice Noodles with Broccoli & Veg Sauce

  • Wheat-Free Aztec Warrior Pizza (made with Chia Seeds)

  • WF Macaroni  N’ Cashew Cheese Sauce

  • Zuchinni Pasta with Red Sauce     

  •  (Veggie Dips, Seed Cheese, and Wheat Free Crackers) 

  • 6 Delectable Veggie Dips

  • Make Tasty Seed Cheese

  • How to Make Seed Yogurt  

  • Savory Sesame Almond Crackers

  • Sesame Seasoned Toast   

  • (Nuggets, Fritters, Sloppy Joes)

  • 4 Easy Peasey Chicken Nuggets

  • Flippin’ Good Veggie Fritters

  • Heaven Scent Veggie Burgers

  • Meatless (Lentil Buckwheat) Sloppy Joes

  • Nutty Spicy Chicken Lettuce Wraps

  • (Puddings, Pies, and Frosty Creams)

  • 10 Yummy Chia Seed Puddings

  • Butterscotch Amaranth Pudding

  • Creamy Chocolate Avocado Pudding

  • Healing Slippery Elm Ice Cream 

  • Sweet Peruvian Pumpkin Pie



15) Nourishing Hormone Health/Women and Men (Series)


What comes to mind when you hear the word hormones? Hormones — such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline, and insulin are vital to the function of your overall health. Secreted by various glands and organs (including your ovaries, testicles, thyroid, adrenals, and pancreas), they work together to control the level of hormones circulating throughout your body. If one or more is even a little bit unbalanced, it can cause major health problems and mood disorders. This infographics series gives you a sense of how you can begin to re-balance your male and female sex hormones naturally (using whole foods and nutrition supplements) so you can avoid the use of controversial drugs and bio-identical hormone replacement therapies.


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Are Toxic Chemicals Teaching Your Female Hormones to Misbehave?

  • Balancing Female Hormones Naturally (with Whole Foods, Herbs, and Supplements)

  • Are Toxic Chemicals Teaching Your Male Hormones to Misbehave?

  • Balancing Male Hormones Naturally (with Whole Foods, Herbs, and Supplements 

  • Does Gut Bacteria Impact Your Hormones? 


 16) Eco- Conscious Moms & Dads to Be


It’s common for moms and dads-to-be to place their attention primarily on things such as planning a time to get pregnant, choosing a birth center, and deciding how to decorate their baby’s nursery. Sometimes other important issues get neglected. Issues such as: why and how to detox their bodies (before getting pregnant ), what to eat to enhance fertility, why and  how to create a healthy emotional climate around birth, why to avoid surgically induced births, and why and how to create a baby nursery that is non-toxic. Before their child is born in a hospital, parents have some important decisions to make, such as whether or not to allow their newborn to be vaccinated, and whether or not to accept the (GMO) soy milk formulas that are given to new moms. This infographic series offers to provide lots of support for parents-to-be, who have the desire to create a pregnancy that is physically, emotionally, and spiritually nourishing, so they can have the best chance of giving birth to a healthy, happy baby. 


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Babies in the Womb Are Ultra Conscious!

  • Is Your Body ‘Clean Enough’ to Conceive and Grow a Baby?

  • Eating to Enhance Your Fertility

  • Boost Your Fertility with Foods vs. Synthetic Vitamins

  • Nurturing Your Unborn Baby's Well-Being with Sound and Music

  • Why to Avoid EMF's when You're Breastfeeding Your Baby! 

  • Creating a Clean, Green Nursery for Your Baby-to-Be!

  • Why to Think Twice about Getting a C-Section

  • Why Does Medicine Push Vaccines?

  • Is There an Alternative to Vaccines, Doctor?

  • Diapering or ‘Not’ Diapering Your Baby’s ‘Tush’ The Eco-Conscious Way!


 17) Drugless, Holistic Health Care


Who do you turn to for help, when you get sick? Do you turn to western allopathic doctors for a “quick fix?” Or, do you turn to doctors who practice holistic health care, and who encourage you to be an active life-long participant in your healing process? Chronic health conditions weigh heavily on our global society as a whole, but we can make huge strides in improving our health care by preventing illnesses before they begin. In this infographic series, you’ll learn that the ultimate goal of a health care system should be to provide holistic support in virtually all aspects of our lives. You’ll learn that, because illness is often the result of imbalances and deficiencies within our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits, it is our personal responsibility to address all of the parts of our being that seek nurturance and healing. We can save money on medical bills and ease the stress on our health care system when we adopt a mindset that says: “It’s important that I function as an active participant in my health care, because doctors alone can’t cure what ails me.”    


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Holistic Health Care vs. Conventional (Allopathic) Medicine

  • Holistic Health Care vs. Conventional Medicine

  • Is Your Dentist Eco-Friendly?

  • Heal Your Teeth and Gums Naturally

  • Why Conventional Docs Push Vaccines

  • Vaccines: In the Wake of Destruction

  • Homeoprophylaxis: A Tried and True Alternative to Vaccines

  • Can Cannabis Help Kids with Autism?

  • Managing Autism Symptoms with Cannabis

  • Chinese 5 Element Nutrition Therapy

  • The Yin and Yang of Healthy Eating

  • Use Your Meal to Heal with Culinary Herbs

  • Use Your Meal to Heal with Culinary Spices

  • Do You Suffer from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?  

  • Have You Been Affected by Mold Toxicity?  

  • Do You or Your Child Have a Methylation Issue?

  • Do You Have OCD or OCSPD?

  • What in the World Causes OCD?

  • 12 Radical Self Care Tips for Managing the Symptoms of OCD

  • Do Probiotics Have What it takes to Cultivate Your Gut Microbiome?

  • Enhance Your Life Force with Scalar Light

  • ​Holistic Care for Everyday Ailments (Coming Soon)  



18) Non-Toxic, Eco-Friendly House Cleaning (Series) - Are the products you use to keep your house clean making you and your family ill?  Is your cleaning arsenal stocked with poisons that have to be locked away for safekeeping when not in use?  Even though conventional cleaners claim to be safe, they are jam-packed with toxic chemicals.  Handling, storing, and using these chemicals can damage your health, and disposing of these chemicals damages the environment.  Maybe you've heard about the dangers of conventional household cleaners, but aren't sure how to ditch them without sacrificing a clean house?  These posters will explain the dangers of conventional cleansers and show you how to determine if your household cleansers are toxic.  The posters will also give you ideas and recipes for making your very own non-toxic, eco-friendly cleansers from common household staples like baking soda, vinegar and salt.  Keep your home sparkling clean, without harming your family or the environment! 


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Why to Green Clean Your Home!

  • How to Make Your Own Green Cleaning Aids

  • Ditch Your Toxic Air Fresheners for Plants 

  • Have You Been Affected by Mold Toxicity? 


19) Non-Toxic Laundry & Eco-Friendly Clothing (Series) - Are the clothes you wear hurting the environment, or exploiting others in their manufacturing process?  Have you heard about sweatshop conditions overseas (or even in the US!), or factory disasters, and wondered if your clothes are part of the problem?  How do you know?  How can you research the impact the clothes on your back have?  And speaking of impact, what about the environmental impact - is the clothing manufacturer environmentally friendly?  How about the way you wash your clothes?  These posters will provide you with tools to understand the true cost of clothing manufacture and maintenance, both in terms of human exploitation and toxic environmental impact.  You'll also learn about ways to lessen your impact by finding and choosing eco-friendly and non-toxic alternatives to conventional clothing and laundry methods. 


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Are You Dressed in Toxic Clothing?

  • Where Do The Clothes on Your Back Come From?

  • Is Your Clothing Eco-Conscious?

  • Is Your Laundry Soap Making You and the Planet Sick?

  • Why to Green Clean Your Clothing!

  • 7 Easy Ways to ‘Green Wash’ Your Clothing


20) Non-Toxic Beauty and Personal Care (Series)- Have you ever wondered which ingredients are actually in all your personal care products?  Have you heard warnings about toxic ingredients, or wondered what labels like "organic" and "natural" actually mean?  Do you know how your cosmetics are made, and whether they are tested on defenseless animals?  Your largest organ is your skin, and conventional beauty standards demand we put a lot of things all over it, and our skin absorbs what we put on it!  While those demands are optional, of course, many people use at least some form of beauty and personal care products (and feminine hygiene products, too), but unfortunately, not all of those products are healthy or even safe. In fact, many are not even evaluated for safety by the FDA. Needless to say, finding safe, healthy alternative products that actually work can be tough! 


Includes the Following Graphics:


  • Do You Pollute Your Body, or Pamper It, The Eco-Friendly Way?

  • Clean Beauty, Toxic Beauty, Which Do You Choose?

  • Is Your Fragrance a Health Hazard to You and Others?   

  • Do the Ingredients in Your Pit Stick and Pit Spray, Stink?

  • The Toxic Truth about Feminine Hygiene Products

  • Nature’s Way to Heal Your Teeth and Guns

  • Is Your Mascara Safe and Healthy?








Eco-Eat Model (Farm to Table) bel
Eco-Intelligent Eating Model
Where Foods Comes From
Custom Dietary Choices
Eco-Farming Principles /Earth Care
Essential Health Awareness
Food & Mood
Sweeteners: Whole & Un-Whole
Fats: Healthy & Un-Healthy
Autism + Brain Gut + Special Needs
Eco-Friendly Cookware & Culinary Inspiration y
Wheat Free Gluten Free Eating & Recipes
Dairy Less & Soy LessFree & Soy Less Eating & Recipes
Whole Foods Recipes (Candia's Kitchen)
Nourishing Hormone Health
Eco-Conscious Moms & Dads to Be
Drugless Helth Care
Non-Toxic Beauty & Personal Care

© 2021 Eco Intelligent Eating.

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