Use Your Everyday Food Choices to Nourish Wellness
in Your Body and the Earth, and Teach Others
to Do The Same!
“Food is life, and life is precious, but our food supply is being threatened, and so is the health of people and the planet! Unfortunately, the USDA Eating Model, which has served as America’s “go-to eating guide” for decades, is contributing to this threat. It tells us what to eat, but it neglects to tell us how our industrial food production system (a system designed to feed the masses) is depleting the land, polluting the air we breathe, and the water we drink, and poisoning our bodies with toxic chemicals, drugs, hormones, and genetically modified organisms. It’s time for a sustainable eating model that isn’t influenced by corporate interests and biases!” -Candia Lea Cole
In this course, you will have the opportunity to explore the difference between an organic, regenerative system of farming which is designed to “work with nature” to bring health-giving food to your dining table, and an industrial system, which is designed to “work against nature” to bring unhealthy, toxic food to your dining table. Through your acquaintance with The Eco-Intelligent Eating Model™ you will:
Meet the “farm green and eat clean” eating philosophy.
Discover what organic food is and isn’t.
Get reacquainted with the earth’s “first” foods.
Get tips for recycling food waste and packaging.
Explore the value of energy-efficient cooking.
Be inspired to eat in harmony with the changing seasons.
5 Educational Infographics: Includes the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model. ™ Four additional graphics illustrate the difference between farming and eating the “eco-negligent” way, and farming and eating the
“eco-intelligent” way. You’ll learn about how these two different methods of farming and eating influence the relationships that govern the health and well-being of your personal ecology system (your body, mind, heart and soul), as well as the relationships that govern the health and
well-being of the earth’s ecology system (plants, animals, insects, and ecosystems). These two systems, you will see, are one system whose parts are designed to function interdependently for optimal wholeness.
25+ Educational Videos
(These offer a Comparison of the USDA Eating Model Foods Groups and the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model™ Food Groups)
9 Video Learning Modules: You will learn about the USDA Eating Models’ Eating Guidelines and gain awareness about why food industry lobbyists (working to protect the interests of the industrial food production machine) have been working hard to exclude an environmental/sustainability agenda from it for a long time. You’ll have the opportunity to examine the food groups that the USDA Eating models have suggested you eat (including dairy products, meats, eggs, nuts and beans, fruits, vegetables, grains, fats, and sweeteners) even though the toxic methods that are used to produce them are harming the earth’s ecology system, as well as your human ecology system.
16 Video Learning Modules: You will explore the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model’s Eating Guidelines and gain awareness about why the organic food industry is working hard on behalf of people and the planet, to protect organic food production standards. You’ll have the opportunity to explore the 12 food groups that the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model suggests you eat (including 1) whole grains, 2) legumes and sprouts, 3) herbs, spices, and healthy salt, 4) nuts, seeds, and plant oils, 5) fruits and vegetables, 6) green superfoods, 7) organic, grass-fed meats, 8) organic, grass-fed dairy products, 9) fish and sea vegetables, 10) dairy-free, 11) organic, grass-fed eggs and wholesome plant-based sweeteners, and 12) clean water. You’ll see how regenerative farming and organic food production is helping to restore and heal the earth’s ecology system and your own.