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   "Nourish Your Eco-Intelligence & Become
the Eco-Mentor You Were Born to Be!"

This self-guided, mentor-supported training (presented to you as an "Educational Meal" ) guides you to become an Eco-Mentor Apprentice and/or Eco-Mentor Activist. The two trainings combined, feature 8 beautiful companion books, whose content has been segmented into easy-to-access and digest audios, videos, and illustrated PDFs. Together, these learning tools provide a rich and meaningful learning experience for women, younger and older alike.  


" An Eco-Mentor is a woman who is deeply concerned about the health challenges that are impacting the health of people and the planet. She has the heartfelt desire to live in an eco-conscious way on the earth; a way that nourishes holistic well-being in her body and the earth. An Eco-Mentor sees the wisdom in using her healing journey as a catalyst for the earth’s healing, and she understands the value of sharing her life wisdom with others whose health and well-being she cares about."

-Candia Lea Cole 

(15 Hour Course) 

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This course features my Eco-Mentor Guidebook "Nourish Your Eco-Intelligence -Become the Eco-Mentor You Were Born to Be!" + My Memoir: "Born to Live Green" in audio and PDF download formats + Learner Assessments (Personalize what you learn) + Graduation Certificate with Accreditation.  

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 (Read/Listen to/Watch/My Eco-Mentor Guidebook)    


Planning the Ed. Meal 

 Explore what eco-intelligence is and why it’s important to reawaken yours. Discover the reasons why every home and community needs an Eco-Mentor. Identify the desires, qualities, and aspirations that Eco-Mentors possess and decide if you have them or wish to develop them.     


Choosing the Ingredients 

Learn what environmental illness is, including what triggers it, and why no person or living thing is immune from it!  Meet the six ingredients of eco-intelligent living that form the basis of my Eco-Lifestyle Education paradigm, a model for living that supports wellness in your body and the Earth.  


Setting the Table

Gain awareness about why schools aren’t nourishing the eco-intelligence of today’s youth.  Discover why to foster home-based learning rituals that foster “principle-based” education. Get in touch with the drawbacks of wireless tech in the classroom and learn why educational software isn't making our youth smarter. 



Consider the value of reclaiming "rites of passage” in your life, to mark your growth and support your transformation. Interact with my memoir, “Born to Live Green- Awakening My Heart’s Wisdom to the Path of Eco-Intelligent Living, Learning, Healing & Mentoring” and get insight into the two tires of passage in my own life that supported my growth as a self-learner and self healer, as well as a leader.   


 (Read/Listen to) My Memoir "Born to Live Green"  


Are you a young or mature woman who is experiencing conditions such as fatigue, fibromyalgia, hormone imbalances, food and chemical sensitivities, digestion issues, depression, or other unexplainable health issues that are draining your health and your zest for life?  Have you considered the idea that you may be dealing with the symptoms of environmental illness? If you answered "yes", you are certainly not alone! In fact, I've walked in your shoes. And now, I invite you to follow in my footsteps on the path of self-learning and self-healing that I carved out for myself to understand, manage, and heal my symptoms. Healing, you will discover in my memoir, is not about curing what ails us. It's about becoming more whole. It's about knowing how our social conditioning has limited us and discovering the value and necessity of living in greater balance and harmony with nature. It's about lightening our toxic body burden. It’s about eating whole foods and consuming Earth-sourced medicines. It's also about owning our strength, reclaiming our feminine wisdom for living well, and feeling free to express ourselves. It's about using our own personal healing journeys as a catalyst for healing our planet! It's about becoming Eco-Mentors! 




"Leading Yourself & Others to an Eco-Conscious Lifestyle" 




Discover how I serve you my educational meal. Decide if you feel called to be an Eco-Mentor Apprentice or an Eco-Mentor Activist, or both!   



(35+ Hour Course)    









​This Course features my Eco-Mentor Guide Book "Nourish Your Eco-Intelligence -Become the Eco-Mentor You Were Born to Be!" + My 6 rainbow colored Discovery & Empowerment Journals. The Journals are segmented and feature 12 (two-part) Discovery & Empowerment Dialogues (in audio, video, and illustrated PDF Formats) + 12 Discovery Missions. Bonus: 175+ Self-Empowerment Activities and 6 Videos + Graduation Certificate with Accreditation.    

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Deep concern about the future of humanity and life on the Earth is rising in all of us, and we are standing on the threshold of change. Will we continue to wound ourselves and the Earth, by living unconscious of our ecological needs? Or will we begin to explore the ways that we can use our lives and our lifestyles to create personal health and planetary restoration? Our planetary health and our personal health are inextricably linked. If the Earth is unwell, we, too, are unwell. If we are unwell, the Earth is also unwell. Healing ourselves and the Earth requires us to "bring back" nature's wisdom for living well on the Earth. When we invest our energy in taking care of the Earth, it will take care of us! When we invest our energy in taking care of ourselves, we will have the energy to take care of the Earth.



Stimulate your hunger for learning by exploring the value of “a living legacy”  in the lives of children, young adults, and adults. Accept my invitation to participate in the “Bring Back the Earth!” Eco-Learning Legacy, which invites you to become an Eco-Mentor Activist!  Unearth the symbolism in “bringing back the earth!”


Main Dishes

 Engage with my 12 (two-part) Discovery & Empowerment Dialogues. These mind, heart, and soul awakening Dialogues support you in knowing why and how to create a lifestyle that nurtures (what is) 1) eco-conscious, 2) eco-relational, 3) eco-sustainable, 4) eco-nutritional, 5) eco-medicinal, and 6) eco-spiritual. 12 Discovery Missions serve to reinforce what the Dialogues teach and give you an inspiring way to "get rooted" in their teachings.  


Side Dishes

Sample Taste 200 amazing, fun, eye-opening Self-Empowerment Activities that support you in identifying your interests, talents, and skills in the different areas of eco-intelligent living that support you in becoming the Eco-Mentor Activist you were born to be!



Explore the extracurricular activities that I offer you to sweeten the educational experience. Let the flavors of eco-intelligent living linger in your life. Celebrate the joy of participating in and sharing a collective eco-education legacy with your family!    





           CLICK THE PDF LINKS BELOW, TO READ PRAISE FOR THE TRAINING(S)            (From Students, Parents, Teachers, Authors, Doctors & Curriculum Evaluators 


Apprentice Training 





Activist Training 

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           The Living Legacy that Eco-Mentors Are Here to Create          


The living legacy that Eco-Mentors are here to create, is fostered by a decision, first and foremost, to stop doing harm" to their bodies and the Earth. Secondly, it is fostered by a readiness to respect, honor, and celebrate their innate eco-intelligence. Thirdly, it is fostered by a willingness to nurture the personal relationships (the body/mind, heart and soul) that are the foundation of their ecological well-being, as well as the planetary relationships (plants, animals, insects, and ecosystems) that foster the Earth's ecological well-being.   



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