Did you know that youth across our country are getting active in the STATE COIURTS of Washington, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Massachusetts and Oregon, in an effort to protect the atmosphere and curb the effects of climate change?
Our Children's Trust is a nonprofit organization, elevating the voice of youth, -those with the most to lose-to secure the legal right to a healthy atmosphere and stable climate on behalf of present and future generations. They lead a global human rights and environmental justice campaign to implement enforceable science-based Climate Recovery Plans that will return atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration to levels below 350 ppm.
In a press release recently issued on April 29, 2016, by Our Children’s Trust, the following news was reported:
Seattle, WA – Today, in a surprise ruling from the bench in the critical climate case brought by youths against the State of Washington's Department of Ecology (“Ecology”), King County Superior Court Judge Hollis Hill ordered Ecology to promulgate an emissions reduction rule by the end of 2016 and make recommendations to the state legislature on science-based greenhouse gas reductions in the 2017 legislative session.
Judge Hill also ordered Ecology to consult with the youth petitioners in advance of that recommendation. The youths were forced back to court after Ecology unexpectedly withdrew the very rulemaking efforts (made in 2015) to reduce carbon emissions the agency told the judge it had underway.
In granting the youth a remedy, Judge Hill noted the extraordinary circumstances of the climate crisis, saying, “this is an urgent situation…these kids can’t wait.” The court discussed the catastrophic impacts of climate destabilization globally, including the impending loss of polar bears and low-lying countries like Bangladesh.
The court explained that, while it had no jurisdiction outside of Washington state, -it did have jurisdiction over Ecology and would order the agency to comply with the law and do its part to address the crisis. The judge ordered the Washington Department of Ecology to have an emissions reduction plan by the end of the year.
I’ve always said that it will be our kids, our teenagers and our young adult population, who will create the change our world seeks!
That said, my Guidance to you today is: Be a Model. The best way to demonstrate the importance of living green is to lead by example at home and in your community.
It’s also important to get involved in programs in your community. Programs such as the one my recent webinar introduced you to: “Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth, Becoming the Eco-Mentor You Were Born To Be! If you have not yet had a chance to watch it, you can still view it here:
Your Everyday Eco-Mentor,
Candia Lea Cole
Candia Lea