A LIFE-SAVING PODCAST! (For People Suffering from Cancer, & Other Dis-ease Conditions!)
Do you know someone who is very sick? Maybe they have been diagnosed with cancer, epilepsy, or Crohn’s disease? Or perhaps they are trying to come to grips with the symptoms of Autism, anxiety, or memory issues? If you answered yes, I want to share with you a podcast that has the potential to save their lives, as well as your own! The podcast series I’m referring is known as Cannabis Health Radio, and it can be found on the website known as www.cannabishealthradio.com.
Cannabis Health Radio is a podcast with a life-saving purpose: to inform listeners of the many health benefits of medical cannabis. They do this through interviews with experts on medical cannabis, as well as by sharing powerful stories from people all over the world who have successfully dealt with health challenges by using medical cannabis. Helping people to help themselves is their mission.
The hosts of the Cannabis Health Radio Show are Ian Jessop & Corrie Yelland.
Ian is a broadcaster with many years of experience interviewing people about all sorts of topics, and he has been involved in many political causes. Cory was diagnosed with rectal cancer in the summer of 2011, and she was told by her oncologist that if she didn’t undergo radiation treatments she would be dead within 4 months.
After being told the after-effects of radiation, Corrie declined the treatment. She started researching cannabis oil, began making her own, and started taking it. When she went back for a check-up six months later, and doctors declared that she was cancer free. Since that time, Corrie has helped thousands of people all over the world!
Unfortunately, due to a lack of funding, Ian and Corrie are not able to continue producing their podcasts at this time.
However, they have decided to leave their website up for another year, so the public can gain access to over 223 podcasts, as well as numerous informative articles! (I encourage you to RUN, not walk…) to get your hands on these healing tools!
I have found the podcasts on their website to be both eye-opening and heartwarming. So much so, that my husband and I have made a monthly donation to their mission for the several months now. If you, yourself, find the interviews and resources useful, please consider making a contribution to support them (in any amount) so they can continue to support people from around the world with their educational healing mission.
On a side note: My husband Tom and I recently took a trip to Colorado to visit a dear friend of mine. In addition to beautiful sightseeing, we had the opportunity to explore a medical cannabis dispensary (a small eco-conscious boutique) known as L’Eagle, which had been written about in several magazine publications. It has been fascinating for me and my husband to learn about the history of cannabis, the politics (and BRAINWASHING) behind its prohibition, and all of the medical uses it has.
The medicinal creations that cannabis companies are developing and selling, --from delicious edibles, to skin care products, are being consumed not just by tree huggers and hippies, but by people from all walks of life, who are intelligent enough to know that the cannabis plant has the potential to save humanity from its unhealthy dependence on toxic and addictive drugs.
I hope that more and more people will get involved in legalizing cannabis in every state.
An acquaintance of mine whose child was severely damaged by vaccines (and whose life was saved by medical cannabis) has recently been featured on the news here in Minnesota, along with many other parents whose children have been injured, and who are now demanding that the laws change.
That said, be sure to check out the story (on Cannabis Health Radio) about the judge from Florida who put a lot of people in jail for minor cannabis offenses, and who later healed his COPD condition (Chronic Pulmonary Disease) using medical cannabis. He felt so badly about putting people in jail, that he now has a ranch where he invites people to stay, while they heal themselves using cannabis. Atonement is a beautiful thing!
Candia Lea Cole
Founder, Eco-Learning Legacies