Healthful Eating Is One Aspect of Eco-Intelligent Living
Oftentimes, when I share my website URL ( with people that I know, or who I have just met, they say: “Oh, you teach people about food and nutrition!” Of course, I smile and say: “Yes, and in addition, I also teach people about a whole host of other topics that relate to how we can create greater personal health and planetary health well-being.
High-Vibe Nutrition and Earth-Sourced Food and Medicine Changed My Life for The Better!
My journey as an educator, it should be said, started decades ago when I became a student of the natural healing arts, and when I discovered that I could use health-giving foods and herbal remedies to alleviate the symptoms of environmental illness that my body was experiencing at that time. Good nutrition changed my health for the better, but best of all, it led me to become conscious of how food could serve as a catalyst for transforming my relationship with myself, others, and the natural world.
What Food Made Me Conscious of…
It is more than just “stuff to eat” that will satisfy the appetite.
It is more than the total of its calories, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
It serves as a container for the energies within the environment that were present during its growth.
It offers to connect us to the beauty and wonder of the world natural all around us.
It teaches us that if it is grown in a responsible and eco-conscious manner, it can help to regenerate the Earth.
It invites us to consider the importance of seed saving and food preservation.
It gives us a way to understand how plants, animals, insects, and ecosystems interact with food-growing systems.
It teaches us the importance of addressing concerns about climate change, as well as environmental and economic sustainability.
It offers to remind us that plants were (and are) our original teachers. (Plants offer both wisdom and medicine.)
It is a tool for self-care that gives us a way to understand the needs (and the interdependence of) our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls.
It teaches us that if eaten consciously, food can help to heal disease, raise our energetic vibration, and restore health within our bodies.
It offers to spark our creativity and stimulate our imaginations.
Its preparation invites our right and left brains to work together.
It offers to bring us together with our friends and families and reminds us of the importance of cultural heritage and rituals.
My Educational Tools Offers to Expand Your View of Not Only Food But the Importance of Creating an Eco-Intelligent Lifestyle
We have much to learn and teach our children about how to eat well, and how to use our food choices in service to the health of our bodies (as a whole) and the Earth (as a whole.)
On my new e-learning platform, I provide educational resources of all sorts, for parents educators, and students (K-12, and university level), including books, video cooking demos, and eco-intelligent nutrition courses that will elevate the role of food and nutrition in your (your family’s) life!
I also provide educational resources and online training courses for parents, educators, and students (K-12, and university level) that inspire awareness about how to create a lifestyle that nourishes holistic wellness in their bodies and the Earth.
Many People Today Are Suffering with Environmental Illness
So many people, both younger and older alike, I can see, are suffering today with environmental illness, and are searching for answers. In my next newsletter, I’m going to define what this illness is, and also tell you why I believe it’s time for all of us to embark on a learning journey together to heal its physical origin as well as its spiritual origin!
Candia Lea Cole
Founder, Eco-Learning Legacies
(my new e-learning platform)
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